Entreprises Ferroviaires (RAG)

Le groupe consultatif entreprises ferroviaires travaille en étroite collaboration avec RFC North Sea - Med. De façon à consulter les entreprises ferroviaires, le Comité de gestion de RFC North Sea - Med organise régulièrement des réunions.

Toute présentation faite pendant ces réunions ainsi que le procès-verbal de ces réunions peuvent être téléchargés depuis cette page (en Anglais).


RAG 18 October 2023 - Munich (DE)

Minutes - FINAL

MVP Capacity Intelligence presentation

Update capacity TT2024 incl. Final Offer TT2025 First info

RAG 19 April 2023 - Basel Bad (CH)

Minutes - FINAL

State of Play TT 2024 & TCR

RFC Initiatives & projects presenation and State of Play

O/D Diagrams

Presentations on the common RAG with RFC RALP:

Focus Topic: Migration to Digital Automatic Coupling (DAC)

Rastatt Closure 2024: Update


RAG 1 December 2022 - Online

Minutes - Final

State of Play TT 2024

RFC Initiatives presenation and State of Play


RAG Webinar 21 June 2022: Digital Automatic coupling

Click here to consult the dedicated page

RAG 30 March 2022 - Online

Minutes - Final

Part 1: Regular RAG Meeting: See meeting minutes

Part 2: Specific workshop on the O/D representation:

- Click here for the O/D representation;

- Click here for the supportive presentation.

RAG 23 November 2021 - Online

Minutes - Final

Part 1: Regular RAG Meeting: See meeting minutes

Part 2: Specific workshop on the Return of Experience of the summer crisis events, the ICM case of Rumigny followed by the flooding’s on the Infrabel network: See Meeting minutes


RAG 25 March 2021 - Online

Minutes- FINAL

  1. Welcome word by the Managing Director and Chair of the RAG
  2. What’s new on the corridor? (see minutes)
  3. Expectations of the RAG and feedback RAG Window Executive Board of 17th of March (see minutes)
  4. Update state of Play investments (see minutes)
  5. Start of the WG with RU’s running on RFC RALP and ATL (see minutes)
  6. State of play traffic 2020:
  7. Perspective on the traffic and success conditions (see minutes)
  8. State of play punctuality (see minutes)
  9. Update TT 2022: click here to see the presentation
  10. User Satisfaction survey 2020: click here to see the full presentation of the results of the USS 2020
  11. Open Points and AOB (see minutes)

RAG 18 November 2020 - Online

Minutes- FINAL

  1. Welcome word by the Managing Director and the RAG Chairmen
  2. What’s new on the corridor? (Permanent team)
  3. RAG expectations (RAG chair – outcome of the Pre-RAG)
  4. RFC permanent team and MB:
  • Update action plan (permanent team), click here to see the presentation;
  • RFC Approach: Helpdesk – Clients entry point (presentation vision by MD);
  • State of play Coopere/P400 (SNCF Réseau – feedback participating RU’s);
  • State of play ERTMS (RFC Technical coordinator);
  • State of play Long trains (see also proposal RAG chair for a WG);
  • Terminal on time project: state of play pilot Lyon-Bettembourg (permanent team), click here to see the presentation H00Fret;
  1. EC Topics:
  • Brexit: State of play, Short term consequences and impact, mitigation measures (discussion with the EC representative);
  • Revision Regulation 913/2010: State of play, update foreseen timeline.
  1. Common topics (RU’s – RFC’s):
  • Proposal for a WG with RU’s running on RFC RALP and ATL: analysing the impact and opportunities of the opening of the Gotthard and Ceneri Base tunnels: Longer trains, heavier axle load (proposed by RAG chair) + impact TCR on DBNetz (Karlsruhe-Basel) in 2024, click here to see the presentation about TCR on DBNetz in 2024;
  • Discussion RU’s – RFC: Modal Shift: Longer trains à capacity increase: from IM side, productivity increase from RU side (less shorter trains to run on the network);
  • User Satisfaction survey 2020: presentation of the results + Tour de table;
  1. RU topics:


RAG 26 Février 2020 - Bruxelles

Minutes - Final
0. Agenda
1. Welcome word by the Managing Director
2. What’s new on the corridor? (Permanent team - No particular points, will be added in the minutes)
3. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG chair)
4. RFC: New style Action plan/presentations by the Permanent team

5. RU’s: (input by RAG members - will be added in the minutes):

  • Business situation post French industrial action
  • Wagons parked on sidings and capacity issue (Terminal request)

6. Common subject: Feedback on ICMs & preparation of the 2020 ICM simulation (Will be included in the minutes)

7. Open Points & AOB: including: Short feedback on the User Satisfaction Survey results.


RAG 18 septembre 2019 - Paris


Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. Welcome word by SNCF Réseau
2. What’s new on the corridor? (Permanent team)
3. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG chair)
4. Update Action plan RFC NSM (Permanent team – Open discussion) + State of Play ICM (Permanent team)
5. Update Performance report 1st Semester 2019 (Permanent team + input asked from the RAG members on the report)
6. New study by RU's consultant tender: some RU’s plan to launch a socio-economic survey for P400 – explanation by the present RUs (in minutes

RAG 20-21 Février - Bruxelles

Visit of the Noah's Train - Click to see the news

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. What's new on the corridor?
2. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG chair)
3. Update Action plan RFC NSM
4. ICM presentation by SNCF TGV Team (Cancelled)
5. Performance Report 2018
6. Presentation User Satisfaction Survey - Overall Comparaison 2014 - 2018

RAG 24 Septembre 2018 - Paris

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. Welcome word by Jean Ghedira, Directeur général adjoint Clients et Services at SNCF Réseau
2. What's new on the corridor?
3. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG chair)
4. Update Action plan RFC NSM
4.1. Train linking in TIS
4.2. ICM State of play
5.Update performance report
6. Demo Customer Information Platform Multi Corridor View (cancelled - will be given in a webconference)

RAG Workshop dédié à l'Action Plan RFC NSM - 30 Mai 2018 - Bruxelles

Minutes of the Workshop

Update Action Plan RFC NSM

Supportive documents: RNE TIS LinkUp Trains - French MoT: Le potentiel de développement des autoroutes ferroviaires


RAG 31 Janvier 2018 - Bâle

Minutes - Final
0. Agenda
1. Welcome by SBB Infra
2. What's new on the corridor?
3. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG chair)
4. Update Action plan RFC NSM
4.1. Quality of the capacity (in action plan presentation)
4.2. Catalogue TT 2019
4.3. Temporary Capacity Restrictions: Annex 7 (1) - Annex 7 (2) - Athus works
4.4. ERTMS (in action plan presentation)
4.5. State of play loading gauge
5. Presentation of the results of the Customer Satisfaction Survey
6. Train Performance management: Work plan 2018

7. Presentation ELETA Project (By A. Toet): Presentation + Attachment


RAG 19 Septembre - Bettembourg

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
2. What's new on the corridor?
3. Action plan RFC NSM update ExBo 2017 09 19
3.1. Quality of the capacity - feedback TT 2018 & Strategy TT 2019
3.2. Coordination of works
3.3.1. ERTMS Situation in Luxemburg
3.3.2 Consultation ERTMS DAP_joint position_RFC2_RFC 1
3.3.2 ERTMS Deploytment Action Plan FeedBack RFC NSM
3.3.3 CNC & ERTMS coordinators invitation
3.4 State of play loading gauge discussions with RAG, SNCF R & CFF
5. Update on Corridor KPIs and Train Performance Management

(Point 1 and 4 were communicated orally to the audience)

RAG 25 Janvier 2017 - Paris

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. What's new on the corridor?
2. Action plan following previous RAG
2.1.Capacity Action Plan SNCF Réseau
2.2. Presentation Loading gauge

3. RAG expectations (Oral presentation given by RAG speaker)

4. Results Customer Satisfaction Survey
5. State of play of working groups: Coordination of works
6. Capacity Offer TT 2018 + preparation TT 2019
7. TSI OPE workshop EC: possible topics

RAG 11 Octobre 2016 - Rotterdam

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. Feedback presentation RAG Window in ExBo
2. What's new on the corridor?
3. Perspective 2020
4.1. State of play working group 'ETCS'
4.1. Annex 'ETCS' work plan 'ERTMS'
4.2. State of play working group 'TCR' (Ex 'Coordination of works')
5. Capacity
6. Feedback Consultations RAG members
7. TSI on noice
8. Introduction TAF TSI
Document supplied after the meeting by ProRail: Factsheet Moerdijk

RAG 24 Mai 2016 - Londres

Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
2. What's new on the corridor?
3.1 State of play working group 'Coordination of works'
3.2. State of play working group 'Capacity TT2016'
3.3. State of play working group 'ETCS'
4. Performance report 2015
5. Capacity TT2017, TT2018
6. Geographical Information System
7. Loading gauge study SNCF Réseau
8. Cross border operations
9. TSI on noise
10. Introduction TAF TSI

RAG 26 November 2015 - Bruxelles
What's new on the corridor
2015 customer satisfaction survey
Loading gauge works in France, capacity impact
Loading gauge enhancement studies
Capacity allocation, 2017 & 2018
2017 Corridor Information Document

RAG 27 mai 2015 - Paris
How it started ?
Results of the customer satisfaction survey
Performance of the corridor in 2014
What's new on the corridor ?
Loading gauge enhancement studies
Impact on traffic of the works on the Ottignies-Namur-Charleroi triangle
Implementing ERTMS - Harmonisation of operational rules ?
Removal of the crocodile system in Belgium
Exchange on timetable 2016 PaPs
Consultation planning for timetable 2017 PaP
Results of the consultation on flexible PaPs
The Corridor Information Document

RAG 1 octobre 2014 - Rotterdam
Comparison technical characteristics RFC 1 & 2
Capacity allocation
Loading gauge enhancement
Extension of the corridor to the UK
Improvement of operations in ports
Participation of applicants other than RUs in the RAG

RAG 19 mars 2014 - Bruxelles
Compte-rendu (anglais)
Progress of the corridor
RAG WG Infrastructure upgrade
RAG WG Coordination of works
PAP catalogues update
CID 2015 & 2016
PCS feedback

RAG 2 octobre 2013 - Paris
Progress of the corridor
Overview of the CID
Capacity & traffic management
Reserve capacity
Transport market study
Working groups

RAG 29 mai 2013 - Bruxelles
Minutes of the meeting (en français)
Consultation on the Implementation plan
Capacity allocation - OSS
1st proposal for PaPs
Working groups

RAG 18 Janvier 2013 - Paris
Invitation (en Anglais)
Minutes of the meeting (en Français)
Newsflash (en Français)

RAG/TAG 27 juin 2012 - Bruxelles
Minutes of the meeting
Presentation of the corridor
Setting up the RAG
Corridor OSS & PaPs
Setting up the TAG
Transport Market Study