Terminals (TAG)

Terminal owners and managers of the corridor gather on a regular basis with the Management board of RFC North Sea - Med. These meetings enable close cooperation between them.


All presentations made during these meetings as well as the minutes of the meetings are available for download on this page.


Common TAG RFC Rhine-Alpine & RFC North Sea-Med, 21 June 2023, Liège

Minutes – FINAL


Dedicated TAG 'Innovation' RFC Rhine-Alpine & North Sea-Med: TIS for terminals, 14 june 2022, Online Workshop:

All information on the dedicated page, click here to consult it.


Dedicated TAG 'Innovation' RFC Rhine-Alpine & North Sea-Med: Cranes, 23 March 2022, Online Workshop:

Restricted sharing of the slides, please contact Matthieu Maeselle for more information.


Common TAG RFC Rhine-Alpine & RFC North Sea-Med, 23 March 2022, Online meeting

Minutes – FINAL

  1. Start TAG meeting – Welcome - see minutes
  2. Presentation Port of Marseille: click here for the presentation
  3. Tour de table: Situation war in Ukraine - see minutes
  4. Proposal TEN-T regulation: Discussion - see minutes
  5. KPI Market development: See presentation RFC RALP - See Presentation RFC NSM
  6. Performance topics: See presentation RFC RALP - See Presentation RFC NSM

All other points: see minutes


Dedicated CEF2 financing TAG 'Innovation' RFC Rhine-Alpine & North Sea-Med, held on 8 November 2021, Online Workshop:

All information on the dedicated page, click here to consult it.


Common TAG RFC Rhine-Alpine & RFC North Sea-Med, 24 March 2021, Online meeting

Minutes – FINAL

  1. Start TAG meeting – Welcome - see minutes
  2. Presentation Port of Antwerp and Port of Zeebrugge: click here for the presentation
  3. Discussion on growth perspective
  1. KPI Market development
  1. Performance topics – See minutes
  2. Overview of European transport policy developments – Presentation by UIRR
  3. User Satisfaction Survey:
  1. Joint initiative “Innovation at terminals” – See minutes
  2. 740m trains (on RFC RALP):
  1. Corridor Information Document (CID) – written information – See minutes


TAG 3 December 2020, Online meeting

Minutes – FINAL

  1. Welcome word by the Managing Director + Chairmen
  2. What’s new on the corridor? (Permanent team - in the minutes)
  3. TAG expectations (TAG chair – Participants) + Tour de table impact COVID-19 crisis (in the minutes)
  4. RFC permanent team and MB/IM members: 
  1. Common topics (Terminals – RFC’s):
  • Impact of the long trains implementation: Impact on terminals, need of coordination with IB’s for planning of works (In the minutes);
  • Rail facilities portal:
    • State of play implementation (Permanent team, input from RNE + presentation by UIRR - Click here for the presentation);
    • Tour de table data input and use + potential improvements (in the minutes);
  • Governance & sector initiatives and subsidies:
  1. Terminals topics :
  • Innovations in processes and technologies in terminals : Tour de table (Postponed: a dedicated online workshop will be organized)


TAG 8 October 2019, Lyon
Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. Introduction by Port of Lyon
2. Expectations TAG for the Corridor
3. What’s new on the corridor?
4. Discussion: how to develop intermodality with rail in the south of France + Reduction carbon footprint (in meeting minutes)
5. Presentation of the User Satisfaction Survey 2018
7. State of play implementation of the Service facilities act: open discussion (in meeting minutes)


TAG 11 December 2018, Zeebrugge
0. Agenda
1. Introduction by Port of Zeebrugge
2. Expectations TAG for the Corridor (in meeting minutes)
3. What’s new on the corridor?
4. Discussion: how to develop intermodality with rail (in meeting minutes)
5. Presentation CIP multi Corridor View (+online demo)
6. Presentation of the User Satisfaction Survey 2018
7. Implementing the Service facilities act: open discussion

TAG 30 May 2017, Marseille
0. Agenda
Introduction by Port of Marseille
1. Expectations TAG for the Corridor (in meeting minutes)
2. What’s new on the corridor?
2.1. State of Play Sector priorities
3. Capacity allocations
4. Presentation TIS for Terminals
5. Presentations of terminals & open discussion (comments in the minutes)


TAG 12 October 2016, Amsterdam
Minutes - FINAL
0. Agenda
1. Introduction by Port of Amsterdam (To be added soon)
2. What's new on the corridor ?
3.1 Presentation Port of Ghent & Zeeland Seaports
3.2. Presentation Combinant
3.3. Port of Boulogne Calais: impact of refugees on Channel crossing transport
3.4. Presentation Port of Rotterdam
4.1. CID & CIP/GIS presentation
4.2. Presentation UIRR: Rail Freight Locations Portal
5. Capacity


TAG 23 September 2015, Paris
Performance of the corridor
Results of the 2014 customer satisfaction survey
What's new on the corridor ?
Capacity allocation
Port of Zeebrugge
Port of Calais
Port of Marseille
Terminals of DB Schenker UK (leaflet)
Terminals of DB Schenker UK (services)
Ports, terminals and rail corridors, Port of Antwerp
Train Information System (TIS)
Corridor Information Document (CID)
Loading gauge enhancement studies

TAG 26 June 2014, Antwerp
Progress of the corridor
Traffic management studies on maritime ports
The North Sea Mediterranean CNC
Information on terminals

TAG 9 October 2013, Rotterdam
Progress of the corridor
Consultation on the Implementation plan
Transport market study
Information on terminals

TAG 7 mars 2013, Paris
Flash of the minutes
Investment plan
Transport market study
Coordination between terminals & IMs
Gathering of terminals information data

TAG & RAG 27 June 2012, Brussels
Minutes of the meeting