Temporary Capacity Restrictions

Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCR) files are published on the RFC NSM website and updated at least once a year:

Main update: on January, 31th at latest

Second update: around August 31

- Other updates might be done, if the impact on capacity is substantial.

- The projects list might not be exhaustive, as the focus is made on works projects potentially impacting capacity.

- The projects and the dates listed here are subject to change depending on IMs financial and technical constraints.

- The projects are briefly described here, if you need more information please ask by contacting our C-OSS

Schedule of works

The schedule contains the following information: sections of routes concerned by works, operational measures such as closing of lines, timeframe and consequences on capacity.

Shedule of works for timetables 2024 -2025 - 2026 (Version V3 - August 2024)


Temporary Capacity Restrictions rerouting recommandation

In order to limit the impact on traffic, IM’s will do their best to offer alternative routes in case of works on the principal routes crossing the main border points. For this purpose, IM’s set up rerouting recommendations. Click here to consult these.


More information in the CID, Section 4